Interface InplaceEditingListener

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface InplaceEditingListener
    extends InplaceEditingTraversalListener
    Gets notified about edit events: An editor implementation will have to add listeners onto itself like:
    • a KeyListener for handling key events like: ENTER to stop editing and ESCAPE to cancel it.
    • a FocusListener to stop editing when the focus is given to a component that is not part of the editor.
    • a DocumentListener to fire editingOccured() events (If the editor has a document).
    • Method Detail

      • editingStopped

        void editingStopped​(EditingEvent event)
        An editing stopped request. This will commit the value into the document ONLY if the following conditions apply:
        event - Provides information about the editing. If null we should handle this as a cancel event.
      • editingCanceled

        void editingCanceled()
        An editing canceled request.
        OBS: Before or after firing this event, the editor should release any held resources. For example a SWT editor will have to dispose() any created images, fonts or controls.
      • editingOccured

        void editingOccured()
        An edit happened in the inplace editor which could result in a document modification if the new value will be committed. OBS: THIS EVENT IS VERY IMPORTANT. If no editingOccured() event is received, the value from the editor will not be committed when the editing is stopped. See editingStopped(EditingEvent) for more information.
      • commitValue

        void commitValue​(EditingEvent event)
        Commit the given value inside the document without stopping the editing. Will only commit if a new string value is provided and only if the value that must be committed is different from the current value. Normally, this kind of event should be preceded by an editingOccured() event.
        event - Editing event. Currently only the string value from within is of interest. Also in case of custom form controls any given EditingEvent.customEdit will also be executed.