Interface AuthorListener

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface AuthorListener
    extends CompoundEditListener
    Listener notified about Author document changes, document structure changes and document content changes.
    DANGER: You must avoid making live document changes on the received call backs. Please use instead the "ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.AuthorDocumentController.setDocumentFilter(AuthorDocumentFilter)" API.
    • Method Detail

      • beforeDoctypeChange

        void beforeDoctypeChange()
        Called before the DOCTYPE section is about to be changed.
      • beforeAuthorNodeStructureChange

        void beforeAuthorNodeStructureChange​(AuthorNode authorNode)
        Called when a node structure is about to be changed.
        authorNode - The AuthorNode that contains the modification.
      • beforeAuthorNodeNameChange

        void beforeAuthorNodeNameChange​(AuthorNode authorNode)
        Called when a node name is about to be changed.
        The authorNode is a reference to the actual node in the AuthorDocument so its name will be changed after the name change operation is completed.
        If the old name of the node will be needed after the call of this method it should be obtained and saved during this method call.
        authorNode - The AuthorNode that will be changed.
      • authorNodeNameChanged

        void authorNodeNameChanged​(AuthorNode node)
        This is called when a node has been renamed.
        node - The AuthorNode that was renamed.
      • authorNodeStructureChanged

        void authorNodeStructureChanged​(AuthorNode node)
        The node structure has been changed. An insert or delete operation has been made and affected the children of the node.
        node - The AuthorNode that contains the modification.
      • documentChanged

        void documentChanged​(AuthorDocument oldDocument,
                             AuthorDocument newDocument)
        A new document has been set into the author page.
        oldDocument - The old Author document
        newDocument - The new Author document.
      • doctypeChanged

        void doctypeChanged()
        The DOCTYPE section has been changed.