Class DITAXSLTExtensionFunctionUtil

    public class DITAXSLTExtensionFunctionUtil
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utility methods used to access information about keys referenced in DITA topics. The static methods in this class can be accessed from both XSLT and XQuery scripts. They can be used for example from a Schematron schema to check the target of a key reference:
    <sch:schema xmlns:sch="" queryBinding="xslt2">
        <sch:ns uri="java:ro.sync.ecss.dita.extensions.DITAXSLTExtensionFunctionUtil" prefix="ditaaccess"/>
        <sch:let name="doc" value="document-uri()"/>
            <sch:rule context="xref[@keyref][not(node())]">
                    test="ditaaccess:getKeyRefInfo(@keyref, $doc) = 'PEER_MAP_KEY_HREF'">
                    Peer key reference to topic: 
                    <sch:value-of select="tokenize(ditaaccess:getKeyRefAbsoluteReference(@keyref, $doc), '/')[last()]"/>
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static java.lang.String getKeyRefAbsoluteReference​(java.lang.String keyref, java.lang.String contextSystemID)
      Get the URL location referenced by the defined key as a string.
      static java.lang.String getKeyRefInfo​(java.lang.String keyref, java.lang.String contextSystemID)
      Get information about a key reference.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • DITAXSLTExtensionFunctionUtil

        public DITAXSLTExtensionFunctionUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • getKeyRefInfo

        public static java.lang.String getKeyRefInfo​(java.lang.String keyref,
                                                     java.lang.String contextSystemID)
        Get information about a key reference.
        keyref - The keyref.
        contextSystemID - The context system ID
        a string (never null) with one of the values:
         CONTEXT_NOT_AVAILABLE - Usually means there is no DITA Map set in the DITA Maps Manager "Context" combo box or opened in the DITA Maps manager view.
         CONTEXT_AMBIGUOUS - The topic is referenced in multiple key scope contexts and there is not enough information to know from which context the method is called.
         PEER_MAP_KEY_HREF - Reference to a key defined in a peer referenced DITA Map. The key definition has a reference to a resource.
         PEER_MAP_KEY_NO_HREF - Reference to a key defined in a peer referenced DITA Map. The key definition does not have a reference to a resource.
         KEY_HREF - Reference to a key defined in the DITA Map context. The key definition has a reference to a resource.
         KEY_NO_HREF - Reference to a key defined in the DITA Map context. The key definition does not have a reference to a resource.
         KEY_NOT_FOUND - Key definition was not found.

        Sample usage from Schematron:
        <sch:schema xmlns:sch="" queryBinding="xslt2">
            <sch:ns uri="java:ro.sync.ecss.dita.extensions.DITAXSLTExtensionFunctionUtil" prefix="ditaaccess"/>
            <sch:let name="doc-uri" value="document-uri()"/>
                <sch:rule context="xref[@keyref][not(node())]">
                    <sch:report test="ditaaccess:getKeyRefInfo(@keyref, $doc-uri) = 'PEER_MAP_KEY_HREF'">
                        Peer keyref <sch:value-of select="ditaaccess:getKeyRefAbsoluteReference(@keyref, $doc-uri)"/>

        Decision tree:
      • getKeyRefAbsoluteReference

        public static java.lang.String getKeyRefAbsoluteReference​(java.lang.String keyref,
                                                                  java.lang.String contextSystemID)
        Get the URL location referenced by the defined key as a string.
        keyref - The keyref.
        contextSystemID - The context system ID
        The URL location referenced by the defined key or null if the key does not exist or does not refer a resource.
        If the key reference contains an element ID like "keyName/elementID", the returned URL will have the format similar to "file:/path/to/target.xml#FIRST_TOPIC_ID/elementId" as the gathered keys do not contain information about the ID of the target topic.