Class DITATextAccess

    public final class DITATextAccess
    extends java.lang.Object
    Access utility methods to work with DITA in the text editing mode.
    • Method Detail

      • getKeyInfo

        public static ro.sync.ecss.dita.reference.keyref.KeyInfo getKeyInfo​(WSXMLTextEditorPage textPage,
                                                                            java.lang.String fullyQualifiedKeyName)
        Get the key info for the fully qualified key name.
        textPage - The text page access.
        fullyQualifiedKeyName - The fully qualified name.
        The key info. Can be null.
      • getPreferredKeyRefElementName

        public static java.lang.String getPreferredKeyRefElementName​(WSXMLTextEditorPage textPage,
                                                                     ro.sync.ecss.dita.reference.keyref.KeyInfo key,
                                                                     boolean insertImg)
        Get the preferred key ref element name. If the key is reference to an image and the insertImg param is set to true, the returned element will be an image element. Please use getPreferredKeyRefElementName(WSXMLTextEditorPage, boolean, boolean)}
        textPage - The text page.
        key - The key
        insertImg - true if the keyref should be an image element.
        the preferred key ref element name.
      • getPreferredKeyRefElementName

        public static java.lang.String getPreferredKeyRefElementName​(WSXMLTextEditorPage textPage,
                                                                     ro.sync.ecss.dita.reference.keyref.KeyInfo key)
        Get the preferred key ref element name. If the key has reference to an image, won't insert an image element.
        textPage - The text page.
        key - The key
        the preferred key ref element name.
      • getPreferredKeyRefElementName

        public static java.lang.String getPreferredKeyRefElementName​(WSXMLTextEditorPage textPage,
                                                                     boolean insertImg,
                                                                     boolean insertVariable)
        Get the preferred key ref element name. If the key is reference to an image and the insertImg param is set to true, the returned element will be an image element.
        textPage - The text page.
        insertImg - true if the keyref should be an image element.
        insertVariable - true to insert a variable (ph with keyref).
        the preferred key ref element name.
      • collectPossibleElements

        public static java.lang.String[] collectPossibleElements​(java.lang.String reqAttr,
                                                                 java.lang.String defaultElementName,
                                                                 WSTextXMLSchemaManager schemaManager,
                                                                 int caretOffset,
                                                                 java.lang.String... classFrag)
        Get all the element names that can be inserted at the current caret position and have the class 'classFrag' and a 'reqAttr' attribute.
        reqAttr - The required attribute that needs to be on the element
        defaultElementName - The default element name, returned if no matching element found.
        schemaManager - Text page XML schema manager. Provides support for obtaining information about what elements, attributes can be inserted in a given context.
        caretOffset - The caret offset.
        classFrag - The class fragment to search for in the element.
        All the element names that can be inserted at the current caret position and have the class 'classFrag' and a 'reqAttr' attribute
      • getPossibleElementQName

        public static java.lang.String getPossibleElementQName​(WSTextXMLSchemaManager schemaManager,
                                                               java.lang.String clazzFrag,
                                                               java.lang.String mostUsed)
        Obtain the qualified name of the element with the given class, which will be inserted in the document.
        schemaManager - Current schema manager.
        clazzFrag - The class of the element, whose name is searched.
        mostUsed - The most used name of the element with the given class.
        The qualified name of the element with the given class.
      • getCurrentNodeBaseURL

        public static getCurrentNodeBaseURL​(WSXMLTextEditorPage textAccess)
        textAccess - Contains methods specific to XML editors.
        The base url of the node at caret position or null.
      • computeKeyReferenceElementName

        public static java.lang.String computeKeyReferenceElementName​(WSXMLTextEditorPage textAccess,
                                                                      ro.sync.ecss.dita.reference.keyref.KeyInfo key,
                                                                      boolean isImage,
                                                                      boolean forceInsertAsVariableKeyref,
                                                                      boolean preferRelatedLinks)
        Calculates a suitable reference element to be later inserted for the dropped key.
        textAccess - Contains methods specific to XML editors.
        key - The key to insert.
        isImage - true if the key is an image reference.
        forceInsertAsVariableKeyref - true to force insert a variable (ph with keyref).
        preferRelatedLinks - true to prefer insertion as related links.
        Reference element qName to insert or at least a fallback element, never null.
      • buildFigureHrefImageXMLToInsert

        public static java.lang.String buildFigureHrefImageXMLToInsert​(WSXMLTextEditorPage textAccess,
                                                                       java.lang.String title,
                                                                       java.lang.String[] referenceAttributeNameAndValue)
        Creates a figure with title and image XML element.
        textAccess - Offers access to Text page API.
        nodeBaseUrl - The base url of the document.
        title - The title of the fig.
        referenceAttributeNameAndValue - Pair attribute name and value; For example: href, file://filename.pdf.
        a figure with title and image XML element.
      • buildFigureKeyrefImageXMLToInsert

        public static java.lang.String buildFigureKeyrefImageXMLToInsert​(WSXMLTextEditorPage textAccess,
                                                                         java.lang.String figTitle,
                                                                         java.lang.String keyName)
        Creates a figure with title and image XML element with a keyref.
        textAccess - Offers access to Text page API.
        figTitle - The title of the fig.
        keyName - The name of the key.
        a figure with title and image XML element with a keyref.
      • buildNonMediaFragment

        public static java.lang.String buildNonMediaFragment​(java.lang.String[] referenceAttributeNameAndValue,
                                                             java.lang.String elementName,
        Creates the xml fragment to insert for non media objects.
        referenceAttributeNameAndValue - Pair attribute name and value; For example: href, file://filename.pdf.
        elementName - The name of the element to be inserted.
        nodeBaseUrl - The value of the base-uri() attribute of the current node.
        The XML fragment to insert.
      • getUtilAccess

        public static UtilAccess getUtilAccess()
        Provides access to generic utility methods.
        Access to generic utility methods. or null from tests.