Class ECImageMapAccess

    public class ECImageMapAccess
    extends ro.sync.ecss.imagemap.ImageMapAccess
    Eclipse Image Map Access.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void paintImageMapAreas​(Graphics g, int x, int y, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, double scaleFactor, AuthorAccess authorAccess, IImageMapWrapper<ro.sync.ecss.imagemap.IImageMap> imageMap, SupportedFrameworks framework, int fontOfNodeSize, boolean wasAnnotated)
      Paint ImageMap areas.
      • Methods inherited from class ro.sync.ecss.imagemap.ImageMapAccess

        editMap, getInstance, setInstance
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ECImageMapAccess

        public ECImageMapAccess()
    • Method Detail

      • paintImageMapAreas

        public void paintImageMapAreas​(Graphics g,
                                       int x,
                                       int y,
                                       int imageWidth,
                                       int imageHeight,
                                       double scaleFactor,
                                       AuthorAccess authorAccess,
                                       IImageMapWrapper<ro.sync.ecss.imagemap.IImageMap> imageMap,
                                       SupportedFrameworks framework,
                                       int fontOfNodeSize,
                                       boolean wasAnnotated)
        Paint ImageMap areas.
        paintImageMapAreas in class ro.sync.ecss.imagemap.ImageMapAccess
        g - The graphics to paint on.
        x - The horizontal displacement of the image.
        y - The vertical displacement of the image.
        imageWidth - The image width.
        imageHeight - The image height.
        scaleFactor - The scaling factor.
        authorAccess - The author access.
        imageMap - The image map wrapper.
        framework - The framework.
        fontOfNodeSize - The size for the node's font.
        wasAnnotated - If true the image was annotated with previous dimensions.